Saturday, November 27, 2010

How to shrink your circle of respect, while strenghtening your circle of influence!

This is the next installment of readings for the girls!

7 Step to shrinking & strengthening the circle.

#1 – Create behaviours, expectations, and relationships that mark members of the circle as clearly different.

#2 – People within the circle must promote and work to make the each other stronger so the circle can be drawn together and made stronger

#3 – Those inside the circle and those from outside the circle are not allowed to pull the circle apart.

#4 – Members must recognize that momentary sacrifices of a few make us all better now and in the future

#5 – Everyone’s personal goals must be superceeded by the needs of the group. No one is allowed in the circles whose attitudes and goals do not improve us.

#6 – Members of the circle must be accountable and refuse to let other members down.

#7 – Outside influences are just that: OUTSIDE. They are for people not in the circle.

Law of the Chain: A chain is only as STRONG as ITS weakest link!!

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